Saturday, December 18, 2010

25 Weeks - Stand up for yourself!

Note:  As a result of moving there will be a lot of vague posts posted at a close interval.  I do apologize for this as I probably could have drafted a lot of these as time went on, but the demands of packing and losing internet connectivity after the move kind of slowed me down.  Excuses aside, let's begin.

Almost immediately after you started to crawl you wanted to start walking.  This is a long process.  You will not be able to walk that fast.  But you did start the process by pulling yourself up and standing.  It has actually been pretty entertaining to watch the evolution of your pulling up.  You started by crawling up to low shelved objects or things you could grip.  This eventually progressed up to taller and taller objects that you could reach.  Starting with the lower objects, once you got hold of it you began to pull yourself up into a standing position.  Obviously since you are so tall this would only equal a hunch.  But as the objects that you climbed got bigger you were able to stand more upright.  Once upright your face beamed and you looked like you thought you could take on the world!  And sometimes you did.  Frequently you would leave the safety of what you were holding and set off like you had been walking forever.  This always resulted in a comical plop on the floor.  As time wore on you learned to walk along the edges of the couch, chairs, or whatever you could grip in your paws.

You consistently impress everyone with how fast you are progressing in your mobility.  And you impress your parents with your smarts fairly often as well.  I can't think of any examples but your mom and I have often started commenting on how clever you are in figuring things out or how great it is that you remembered things.

I am already so proud of you and you aren't even 6 months old yet.  I don't care if you keep up this ridiculous pace of progression or not.  I will be proud of you so long as you do your best.  Much like your Father in Heaven all I ask is that you try, have a positive attitude, do your best and return my love.  You could have no worldly success to speak of but as long as I know you are giving it your all I will be proud of you.  I could go on at length about my unconditional love for you even if you aren't trying your best, but that is a discussion for face to face.  Suffice it to say, I love you, I am proud of you and keep up the good work!

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