Monday, November 1, 2010

20 Weeks means FOOD!

That's right!  This is when you started eating real people food.  Up until now it had just been mother's milk, but now you start eating "solid" food.  To me it is kinda silly to call runny rice cereal solid food, but it definitely has more consistency than milk.  And it is a whole different food group!  And you seem to enjoy it... most of the time.

Your mom has also been feeding you other "solid" foods like bananas and squash.  I don't know about the bananas but you seem to dig the squash well enough.  Makes me wonder if my mom did any variety of baby food when I was younger because it hasn't been until recently (i.e. - since I married your mother) that I diversified my vegetable pallet.  But that has been a good thing.

And I am all for you moving on and trying different things.  We had a scare and thought you may have been allergic to the squash, but it turns out you probably just got a finger in your eye (yours or Bryson's) and that was why it was irritated.  My co-worker Mike has two girls of his own and he swears that when they started eating rice cereal that is when they started sleeping through the night.  You used to be a better sleeper so I was looking forward to that.  Thus far you have not improved your sleeping patterns to what they used to be, let alone any better.

The deal I have with your mom about baby food, and I hope she remembers this deal, is that I don't want her to feed you any weird combinations.  No Thanksgiving Dinner in a jar.  No Apple Chicken.  Protein should not be liquefied like that (protein shakes don't count because they were never solid).  But who knows.  She may just do that and not tell me and you will be healthier for it.

So here's to "solid" foods!

1 comment:

  1. It's funny that your dad said he was looking forward to you sleeping better when you started cereal. He doesn't even stir when you wake up in the middle of the night! Unless I let you get out of hand and cry too loud! Silly Daddy!
