Sunday, March 6, 2011

38 Weeks - Books

What can I say to sum up this week?  Books!  You love to carry books.  You almost love to read them with someone.  When I say almost love I mean you come to me, want to get on my lap and read it and then almost instantly want to move on to something else.

These are the only pictures of this week in books that we have, but I think that they are pretty cute!  I think we have mentioned your love of carrying things before.  This just adds on top of your previous passions while giving a (hopefully) educational twist.

Unfortunately since you are young and teething, your love of books can also be disastrous.  Any soft, paperback book is vulnerable to being ripped, chewed and otherwise destroyed.  One book has had it's cover taken at your hands.  Fortunately (for the books) your mom almost exclusively has board books out for your carrying and reading pleasure at this time.  We do have some more paperback books stored in your room for later when you are less destructive and more inclined to actually reading.  We went to Costco and even bought a tough book just for you.  Problem with the new one is it isn't as light as those paperbacks so at first you were a little less inclined to carry it.  But now I think you have gotten used to it and you carry it around a bit more.

That should be a good enough post.  Tune in next week!

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