Sunday, April 10, 2011

41 Weeks Part 1 - Copycat and Couch Play

What have you been up to this week?  Well only a lot!  You have learned to mimic.  At least certain things.  You have already been shaking your head when we shake our head.  Now you have learned to wave when we wave, clap when we clap, etc.  And you do your best to copy our other moves as well.  This isn't nearly as fun as your new favorite past time, though.  Playing on the couch!

From my perspective it starts with you running around on the floor.  So I sit on the floor by the couch (for back/side support) to interact on a more intimate level.  Well once I am down on the floor you use me like a step stool to climb up onto the chaise.  At first you needed a little assistance but we are long past that stage now.  Once on the chaise you will run to the back of the couch and bury your face in the cushion.  Then you will turn around and run to the end of the chaise and peer over the edge.  Then you will turn and repeat until you are done.

Being done playing on the chaise brings up another of your new hobbies that induce heart palpitations for your mom and me.  You want to walk off the edge of the couch.  Sure this is fine when we are holding your hands, but you are so fearless that you would go on your own if we weren't vigilant.  Sometimes we don't watch you as close or you are a little to fast/elusive.  This often results in a few wails, mostly because of being a bit startled by the abrupt stop, I think, more than pain as other times you will applaud your efforts.

Of course nothing is better than you sitting like a big girl on the couch.  I don't know what it is, but when you do things like an adult it is just too precious.  And of course the times when you sit still are also quite rare and precious.

And all of this was just the first half of the week!

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