Wednesday, April 27, 2011

44 Weeks - 10 Months, Checkup and Full Blown Dancing

You are now 10 months old!  I know! It really is as exciting as you make it look.  On your 10 month-iversary you had a check up with your doctor.  That stats were really quite good:

Weight - 18 lbs 10.5 oz (48th percentile)
Height - 28.5 inches (75th percentile)
Head Circumference - 17.3 inches (48th percentile)

The best part about the stats is how you are balancing out.  You used to be a hollow stick with a small head (tall, light, small head).  But now you are not as gigantically tall, you came back up a little in weight and your head came up a lot.  Which is all very good because who wants to be taller than 95% of your peers?  Or have a head smaller than 80% of your peers?  Not me I tell you.  And I certainly would take being skinnier than 52% of the population.  Although given the rampant explosion of obesity I bet that I am actually skinnier than more than 52% of the population of America.

Anyways - with another week comes new skills!  Well not always, but usually.  And this week (roughly) you seriously started dancing.  Where before you just did a little quick step or bobbed your head on occasion, you now do both (on command even) and have added to your repetoire.

The following clip is actually more recent than your 44 week, but it illustrates your new found love of dancing so I'll allow it.

In any event, you are growing like you should and are a joy to your parents every single day.  I love you very, very much and look forward to seeing you every day.  I will miss these days of your youth when you ran around the world with reckless abandon because you didn't know anything different.  But I know that the coming days ahead will be even more fun and memorable.  Especially when you act with reckless abandon just for fun.

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