Tuesday, April 26, 2011

43 Weeks - Pointing and Squats

I am behind again.  Not terribly sure the accuracy of what is going into the next couple posts, but it is around this time. And who cares if it is 100% accurate.  As far as this part of your childhood goes if I say it then it is true as far as you know!

So what is new this "week?"  Well, you must be watching your mom workout with the X-Box a lot because you have started squatting.  A lot.  You initially start going down to get something, but after a while it just turns into some sort of game for you.  You bounce up and down so fast on your little legs.  You are obviously in way better shape than me because when I try to show people how fast you are doing it I get winded!

It really is something that you need to see on video (your mom and I dug out the camera recently to get more video of your cuteness), but I don't have a video or even really a series of photos.  Just one of you squatting to pick something up.  Which you don't even always do any more.  Sometimes you just squat 6 or 7 times because you think it is just that much fun.

And what else?  Pointing!  I am not sure how I feel about this one.  Apparently as parents we are supposed to start pointing things out to you and naming them to help you speak.  But it really seems hypocritical for society to say "point things out to your baby" and then in a few years say it is SO rude to point at things.  Maybe it is because it is with only one finger and I am just a rude parent point at books with just one finger.  In any event you point now at things.  Not always with meaning.  But it is getting better as with every other skill you have developed.

No pictures of the pointing.  But let me tell you, we better instill a good command structure for you and all your new skills because some of them, like pointing, will need to be reigned in at some point.  And as of right now, getting you to obey commands brings to mind that expression about bringing a horse to water.

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