Sunday, September 19, 2010

Oh, yeah. 14 Weeks BTW

So the day after we got back from camping you turned 14 weeks old!  How great is that!  You are practically a little lady!  Look at you.  You can see it in your cute little face and short, short hair.

Since literally half the week was spent camping (and the other half was spent preparing for camping), there really isn't much to say about the previous week.  What we have noticed lately is your love affair with a certain toy.  A little cow we named Molly Moo Cow.  Or just Molly for short.

There really is a lot to her.  She has several different textures and sounds.  When you lift her head there is a reflective surface.  Vanity hasn't quite set in for you yet so you don't spend much time with her that way.  You primarily try to eat her nose off or one of the pedals around her neck.  But whatever you do, you love this cow.

I was convinced that there was another cow toy that you also loved, but your mom has shot me down on this one and I can't find any proof to support me.  So I am probably wrong.  But if there is indeed another cow that you love this would be the beginning of a trend and I can honestly say I don't know many girls who love cows.  But if you do, well that is just fine because fake cows are cute and sweet.  Real cows - smelly, not so pretty.  So we will support the fake cow habit, not real cows.  A love of real cows may lead to ranching and FFA in high school and that would be hard for me to get behind.  But I would try.

Anyways... keep smiling!

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