Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Trip for Chloe's Blessing and Three Weeks

So on Saturday we packed up and headed east to the house I grew up in.  Since we hadn't gone grocery shopping in a while your Gramma Compton took us out to breakfast.  We went to Denny's.  It was your first real outing!  You were pretty sleepy still so your mom thought we should get underway.  You slept pretty well to Denny's and even in Denny's with all the noise.  I was quite impressed.  You are such a good girl!  When it was time to leave our waitress said we couldn't because everyone in her section was leaving her.  I said she wouldn't want us to stay in a few minutes when you woke up (because you were starting to).  She said she would just pick you up.  Even strangers love you!

Once we got away from the restaurant you were in and out of sleep all the way back to Gramma's house.  After some time of settling in your mom and I actually left you alone with your grandparents so we could go shopping and enjoy some time together.  It was another first and you did wonderfully from what your Gramma Compton says.

Onto the important facts, though.  On Sunday morning we left early to go to your cousin Chloe's house in Ellensburg.  We had to leave early because despite packing up all of my church clothes, even my belt, I left them hanging by the door back home in Kent.  So I had to borrow some of your Uncle Jacob's clothes.  Once I got dressed we went to church and got to see your cousin get blessed by her dad.  It made me think of what a wonderful opportunity I have to bless you soon.  It made me think of what I would want to bless you with (the world!) and what it is you need to make it through this life.  There are so many challenges facing us here in this life.  So many dangers both physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  And you need all the help you can get.  So just remember you can always rely on your mother and father, your family and your Heavenly Father.  With that strength with you, you can accomplish anything.

After the blessing we went back to Uncle Jacob's house and had a little get together.  My siblings and I decided it would be great fun to get all four of you cousins together and take a photo.  Here is the best one I got.

That is Chloe on the far left, Addison on top of the slide, Bryson in front and you on the far right.  Just look at how cute you all are!

We even got a side by side of you and your cousin Chloe.  Remember that she was born a whole month ahead of you.

Seeing you and your cousins makes me so happy that you are such a healthy happy baby.  Just like with our first little freak out (previous post) your mom and I will pretty much always worry about your health and happiness.  Health is something I can control right now.  And happiness somewhat, too.  And that is what dad's like to do.  We like to have control or the ability to manipulate and change things that need to be.  One of the worst things you can do to a dad is complain about something we have no power over.  Because if you tell us a problem we want to solve it.  Unsolvable problems are the mom department.  So as long as you are healthy and happy, your daddy is happy.  And I will do everything in my power to keep you that way.

We came home Sunday night and the next day you were three weeks old.  That is almost a month!  And later that day your professional photos came back from Sarah Miller.  And they were just SO cute.  I especially like the one where you are looking up to the right because that is just what you do ALL the time.  But since I don't have any of those photos in my gallery yet, I will use another photo that your mom took.

I never thought I would want to say Happy Birthday on anything other than a real birthday, but each week and each month I think I will just have to bite my tongue until you have a real birthday.  So I am not saying Happy Birthday.... but I may be thinking it.

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